Posts by Steven Gleiser

Cryptocurrency News

Is E-coin The Biggest Pump And Dump Scheme Of 2018?

Cryptocurrency markets have suffered from their fair share of pump and dump schemes. E-coin could be the latest one and it can also end up being the biggest pump and dump scheme of 2018

Bitcoin News

The Bitcoin Bubble Burst Again

Bitcoin prices are racing all the way to the bottom. Mainstream media and pundits are probably right. The bubble finally bursts, well, the price bubble. Bitcoin’s value is going in the opposite direction.

Hack News

Coincheck XEM Hack Creates Buying Opportunity

After numerous breaches on exchanges, the Coincheck XEM hack shows that the exchange and its users will always be on the losing side, while traders exploit the market opportunity.

Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency Markets Fall Sharply On Exogenous Factors

Governments are trying to regulate Bitcoin and altcoins in South Korea, China and France. These regulatory moves create exogenous downward pressure in the price of these assets, but this shouldn’t last for long

Fork News

New SegWit2X Fork Goes Ahead

The controversial SegWit2X fork apparently has a competitor that capitalized on its brand and forked from the Bitcoin chain at block 501451. This fork has interesting implications for the markets.

Cryptocurrency News

Charlie Lee Sells All His Litecoin Holdings

Charlie Lee decided to hold himself to a different standard by selling all his Litecoin, signalling to the market that he is not a manipulator. Nevertheless, critics are still scrutinizing his moves.


Developing A Project After The ICO

Speculators have flooded the ICO markets, making it difficult for serious projects to succeed. ICOs are finding a way to contain the influence of these speculators in the markets.

Cryptocurrency News

Litecoin Soared Above $300 USD

Litecoin prices are sky rocketing. They tripled over the last 4 days, but now there are a few warnings out there about the possibility of a pull back. After prices rise investors are likely to take profits.

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