Posts by Steven Gleiser

Bitcoin News

Financial Sector Running Out Of Fuel Can Propel Bitcoin

The most recent financial market fall, should serve as yet another warning sign about things to come. The traditional economy is fragile, and there are only a few hedging alternatives out there. One of them is Bitcoin


Bitcoin And The Stable Coin Fallacy

Price stability is necessary to encourage consumption, but does this mean that the cryptocurrency world needs a stable coin? Are the arguments behind the creation of stable coins logical at all?

Cryptocurrency News

Malta: The Blockchain Island?

It seems the whole “blockchain inside” concept is really catching on. The prime minister of Malta now declared that his country became a Blockchain Island, but what oes that really mean?

Bitcoin News

Bitcoin’s Place Among World Currencies In 2018

Bitcoin prices and how much they declined this year, are all the fodder critics need to tell anyone who believes in crypto “I told you so.” They just fail to see that the fiat system is fairing far worse and the stakes are way higher

Bitcoin News

Bitcoin’s Insider Trading Problem

If you are looking for fiat profits, play with Bitcoin at your own peril. Whales out there are ready to swallow every single little fish in the crypto-pond. A few Goldman Sach’s traders just showed us how it is done – allegedly


Can Bitcoin Replace Credit Card Payments?

Bitcoin replacing credit card payments looks like a Hayekian dream come true. Nevertheless, dreams are dreams for a reason, and Bitcoin’s role is not necessarily to make these dreams come true

Bitcoin News

The Turkish Lira Drop Makes The Case For Bitcoin

Populism turns into government overreach, bad policy and economic pain for millions. We have seen this before way too many times in way too many places. Bitcoin is the tool that can help the average citizen to cope with these situations

Bitcoin News

Bitcoin Will Not Crash The Internet Any Time Soon

Central Banks are doing mental gymnastics through the BIS to discredit Bitcoin and appropriate blockchain technology for their own purposes. Their intellectual dishonesty is staggering

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