The President Performs at Blockchain Life 2019 in Moscow

October 16-17, Moscow: Liberland’s president Vít Jedlička performs at Blockchain Life forum for the 3d time

Author profile picture of Bitcoin Chaser By Bitcoin Chaser
The President Performs at Blockchain Life 2019 in Moscow

Blockchain Life 2019 welcomes 6000 people from all over the world at the Expocentre in two weeks. The top management of Huawei, Oracle, Binance, Bitmain, Listing.Help, Kaspersky, BitForex, United Traders, TRON, IOTA and of other leading industry companies is going to perform at Blockchain Life 2019.

The full speakers’ list is available at

The president of the Free Republic of Liberland, Vít Jedlička, attends the forum for the 3d time and speaks about the existence and functioning of the world’s first decentralized autonomous government. Liberland’s official currency is a bitcoin.

This fall Vít Jedlička shares the latest news on his state: its further development, scaling, on Liberland being an intermediary in the export and import of Russian companies to Europe and other announcements.

Purchase tickets to the global forum Blockchain Life 2019 before the next price increase

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