Who is Justyna Laskowska?

Author profile picture of Adam Davis By Adam Davis
Who is Justyna Laskowska?

Justyna has certainly earned her place as one of the first women in cryptocurrency to be added to our Bitcoin Who’s Who. Justyna is the CMO of BitBay.net, an incredible Bitcoin exchange and trading platform. As part of one of the fastest growing Bitcoin companies, she is at the forefront of Bitcoin technology development.

We had a chance to catch up with Justyna to grill her about her thoughts on Bitcoin, the future of cryptocurrencies and to learn a little about what BitBay does.

Interview with Justyna

What was the motivating factor to begin working with Bitcoin?

The most exciting thing about working with Bitcoin is that you are a part of the financial revolution. It’s fascinating how many new possibilities Bitcoin technology offers to consumers and businesses.

What caused you to become a Bitcoin believer?

It was by observing the growing interest in Bitcoin adoption, increasing number of BTC users as well as companies that accept Bitcoin payments. It seems that Bitcoin is no longer just another “buzzword”, but it became a part of our lives.

Where do you see Bitcoin in 5 years from now?

I believe that Bitcoin will become the stable technology, legalized and approved by governmental institutions. I hope that in 5 years, using Bitcoin will be simple and as natural as paying with a bank card for groceries.

What do you think about alternative cryptocurrencies?

There are many cryptocurrency projects going on right now. However, it will be extremely difficult for any other cryptocurrency to gain the interest and the worldwide recognition similar to Bitcoin.

With Bitcoin starting to become mainstream, which Bitcoin site do you find yourself spending the most time on?

Still, the most important job to do is to leverage the knowledge of society on Bitcoin. BitBay is actively participating in different events that have taken place in Poland and EU. For example, we are a partner of the Bitcoin Embassy in Amsterdam which helps us to become a part of a European Bitcoin community. Furthermore, just recently we were a sponsor of the Bitcoin Conference Prague. That was an amazing event that gave us an opportunity to exchange experiences with other Bitcoin businesses from all around the world. Also, BitBay team tries to be present on scientific, law and financial, conferences concerning Bitcoin. We hope that presenting Bitcoin on different events will result in better understanding of this technology among lawyers and bank representatives.

What other verticals could BitBay get involved in in the near future?

First of all, our main goal is to reach customers from different locations. At the moment we are adjusting our platform to the preferences of foreign users. We are working on extending our offer of online payment operators to fit the expectations of new customers. Recently we established the cooperation with OKPay that allows users to make deposits and withdrawals in USD and EUR.

Finally, what is your elevator pitch for BitBay?

BitBay is an online trading platform where you can buy and sell Bitcoin or Litecoin. Our service stands out of the crowd in terms of the speed of transactions and the safety protection.

We know, that this is particularly important for traders to make quick transactions, thus our platform allows them to make fast deposits and withdrawals in fiat currencies (USD, PLN, EUR) through proven online payment provides. The security is also an important issue in case of trading cryptocurrencies. That’s why on our platform user’s data are ensured with 2-factor, manthadory authentication provided by our business partner Rublon. Even if, somebody will stole your password, he won’t get the access to your account. Of course, there are extra protection options, such as Google Authenticator or email notifications. Also, I would like to emphasize that we keep 100% of funds of our customers in encrypted cold wallets which means very high level of protection.

What distinguishes BitBay from our competitors is our attitude toward customers. We really take care of our users! We offer them 24/7 support via email, hotline and live chat on our website. During the work week everybody can visit our office in Katowice. We are always willing to help.

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