5 Crypto Podcasts You Should Give a Try

Here are our top picks of crypto-focused podcasts for all those out there who can’t get enough of crypto and love to learn more about it.

Author profile picture of Bitcoin Chaser By Bitcoin Chaser
5 Crypto Podcasts You Should Give a Try

The world has so many differing opinions and perspectives, it’s hard to get a complete grasp on any topic. Podcasts are a way to connect with passionate industry goers who have taken their time to share their thoughts with you. Maybe you agree, maybe you disagree, but you will have a much more in-depth idea of the concepts spoken about than before. 

The cryptocurrency community has seen a lot of success with podcasts, they make it much easier for people to sit and listen. Watching an hour-long video about Blockchain is interesting, but its time consuming and requires your full attention. With podcasts, you can just pop in an earphone and see what the voices have to say.

It’s easier to concentrate while listening to podcasts, you don’t have to watch the video aid provided by videos, and you get access to interesting concepts, thoughts, and opinions. Podcasts were popular before cryptocurrency, but now more people are keeping up with these blockchain and crypto podcasts. 

Table of Contents

Bad Crypto Podcast

Bad Crypto Podcast
Bad Crypto Podcast.

If you are into crypto or blockchain podcasts, then you have likely heard of the Bad Crypto Podcast hosted by Joel Comm and Travis Wright. Joel and Travis consider themselves technologists and crypto-enthusiasts, and they created their podcast to educate people on and demystify Bitcoin, blockchain, and all things cryptocurrency. They create and post two episodes each week, each featuring a new topic but the same humorous hosts. If you are looking to learn and laugh then check out the Bad Crypto Podcast.

Visit The Bad Crypto Podcast 

The Pomp Podcast

The Pomp Podcast
The Pomp Podcast.

Anthony Pompliano is the creator of the Pomp Podcast, and an influencer in the cryptocurrency space known for being an entrepreneur and investor. According to the website, his podcasts have been downloaded more 20 million times. He delves into topics surrounding cryptocurrency, fintech, entrepreneurship, and economics. He has interviewed some stand out individuals, including Mark Cuban, Cindy Eckert, Robert Kiyosaki, PlanB, and more. 

Visit The Pomp Podcast


CoinDesk Podcast.
CoinDesk Podcast.

One of the most popular crypto news publishers decided to start a podcast, CoinDesk has ensured you have multiple methods of getting your news. Hosted by the CoinDesk staff, you will get full access to all their news and opinions through the podcasts. They do not have a definitive schedule for posting, whenever something newsworthy pops up, they deliver it to a podcast streaming platform near you. They also have an additional podcast where Adam B. Levine, Andreas M. Antonopoulos, and Stephanie Murphy sit down to talk crypto. 

Visit CoinDesk


Unchained Podcast
Unchained Podcast.

Available on 12 podcast streaming platforms, Unchained is brought to you by host Laura Shin, a former senior editor at Forbes and a Stanford graduate. Unchained covers a range of topics in their hour-long podcasts, from topics surrounding pioneers in the space to cryptocurrency news. She focuses more on interviewing industry leaders than giving her own opinion, allowing you to see what the community insiders have to say. Tune in weekly, and support prominent women in crypto

Visit Unchained

What Bitcoin Did

What Bitcoin Did Podcast
What Bitcoin Did Podcast.

If Bitcoin is what you are interested in, then What Bitcoin Did is perfect for you. With more than 400 episodes already created, this tri-weekly podcast features host Peter McCormack interviewing experts around the world. He has touched on topics such as Bitcoin development, privacy, censorship, libertarianism, investment, and adoption. What Bitcoin Did is an evolutionary podcast, watching Peter grow from a newbie to a novice with the help of some cryptocurrency personalities in between. 

Visit What Bitcoin Did

Learn More

All these crypto and blockchain podcast hosts have taken the time to educate you or connect with you on shared interests. Some are more humorous, while others get right to the point. Some podcasts only related to a certain event, like BBC’s The Missing Cryptoqueen podcast special.

Whatever type of content or personality you are looking for, there are plenty of options. Don’t be swayed by big names, there are loads of smaller podcasts that pack an even bigger punch. Our above recommendations vary in order to help you get a good grasp of your options, although most of them are big names in the blockchain podcast industry. 

We hope this article helped you find a crypto podcast you love, or inspired you to do your own searching.

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