Introducing an Improved VIP Program at Duelbits

Let’s explore the new updates to the Duelbits VIP Program, featuring more rewards, bonuses, and exciting milestones.

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Introducing an Improved VIP Program at Duelbits

Being a VIP user on an online casino platform is one of the best perks a player can enjoy. It comes with rewards, benefits, and special treatment, showing that the player is truly having fun and is dedicated to being part of the platform’s community. It also suggests that the platform is reliable and players get good value for their investment.

As players enjoy their VIP benefits, the platform gathers feedback and learns from different experiences to improve and make the program even better. This process has further enhanced Duelbits’s VIP Rewards program.

So let’s look at the changes Duelbits has implemented on their VIP program and see how these changes will improve the player experience on the platform.

What’s New with the VIP Program?

Duelbits has made its VIP program easier for all types of players to join. Here are the new changes you can expect if you want to take part in their VIP program.

  • You can now climb levels with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 milestones.
  • You’ll start earning level-up bonuses as soon as you open your account and wager $200, instead of the old requirement of $1,000.
  • Information is now accessible to everyone in the VIP Lounge, and you can claim milestones right away.

What’s the Level-Up Bonus?

In addition to the changes mentioned, players also earn a level-up bonus through a Rakeback bonus. This bonus is based on the total amount you wagered from your last level-up.

At the Rookie level, the bonus starts at 5% and increases by 0.25% as you move up through the levels, starting from Joker and continuing from there.

What Happens When Rewards Expire?

Players don’t need to worry about unclaimed bonuses. They will be automatically added to your next 10 milestones.

Each milestone will get an extra 10% of the bonus you missed. So, you won’t lose any of your earned rewards.

The Brand-New VIP Lounge at Duelbits.

Benefits of Duelbits VIP Program

With these changes, you now have a better program for a more rewarding experience. Here are the benefits you can look forward to.

  1. More Rewards – The new balance in milestones while leveling up means you can unlock more rewards, making it more fun to complete them. You can claim multiple rewards instantly, as well as daily, weekly, and monthly.
  2. Level Up Quickly – You can level up faster because there are fewer milestones to complete in the first stages of the program. This lets you focus on other things you want to do after leveling up.
  3. Automatic Bonus Distribution – This is a great feature because it means no rewards will go to waste. Every reward you earn will automatically go to your next milestones, even if you forget to claim them.
  4. Dedicated Lounge for Everyone – The new VIP Lounge is stylish and classy. It helps you keep track of your progress in the program. You can easily see when your rewards will be available and what you need to focus on to level up. It’s simple to use and has plenty of useful information.
  5. Easy Access to Support – This applies to all features on the platform, but I want to highlight it because of my experience. You can trust that they provide accurate information on any topic, especially with the changes in the VIP program.

The Future of VIP at Duelbits

Being a VIP player at Duelbits is very competitive in the online casino world. With great benefits and new ways to earn bonuses and rewards, players feel a strong sense of community.

Duelbits is dedicated to providing the best gambling experience for its players, and this is clear with the recent updates to its VIP Program. With these changes, we’re excited to see more innovations from them in the future!

Want to learn more about Duelbits? Read our Duelbits review.


How can I join the VIP program?

You can climb levels by completing a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 milestones, starting as soon as you open your account and wager $200.

What are the benefits of being a VIP user on Duelbits?

As a VIP user at Duelbits, you can claim more rewards instantly as well as daily, weekly, and monthly bonuses, and receive additional rewards for completing each milestone.

What are Milestones?

Milestones are smaller levels you reach by wagering specific amounts, allowing you to claim rewards and advance to the Main VIP Levels.

What’s a Level-Up Bonus?

This is an improved Rakeback bonus that starts at 5% at the Rookie level and increases by 0.25% for each level you progress.

How does the VIP Lounge work?

The VIP Lounge is a special area where you can find information about the program and check your progress.

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