Best Bitcoin Faucets

The idea behind Bitcoin faucets is to give people who are interested in Bitcoin a taste of what it is like to hold some in a wallet. It is more or less like giving a person who has never dealt with money before their first allowance. This is in fact what our parents did with us when we were children: they gave us a certain amount of money, and taught us what to do with it.
Since bitcoin is the first digital currency, and it works a bit differently than the money we are used to, it is very helpful to get some of it for free and go out into the world (or the internet), exploring how to use it. There are loads of Bitcoin faucets out there offering to do just this. So in case you were feeling a little bit overwhelmed with them all, we’ve done the leg work for you.
The amount that can be claimed from Bitcoin faucets depends on the website. They can offer anything from 10 Satoshi (0.0000001BTC) up to 10,000 Satoshi (0.0001BTC), and even more in some cases. You can claim Bitcoin from a faucet as frequently as once every minute 1, up to once every few hours.
FaucetHub Guide
1. Create Account
2. View Your Profile
3. Connect Bitcoin Wallet
4. Withdraw Earned Bitcoin
FaucetHub List
Before you can start claiming Bitcoin, you will ned to create a FaucetHub account to store all the Bitcoin you will be receiving. FacuetHub allows you to receive and store Bitcoin from loads of faucets until you are ready to withdraw it to your personal Bitcoin wallet.
Here we will show you how to create a FaucetHub account, link it to your Bitcoin wallet and withdraw your BTC funds.
Step 1 – Create and Register Your Account
First, visit Select Sign up, enter a username, password, your email address and your personal Bitcoin address you want to receive your faucet funds.
If you don’t have a Bitcoin address, you can click the “Don’t have a Bitcoin Address?” link and you will be redirected to to create a wallet of your choice, or you can follow our guide to Bitcoin wallets. Ensure you have access to your private keys to this wallet stored safely, either on a piece of paper or a backup file encrypted with your own unique password.
Finally agree to the Terms and solve the Captcha.
Step 2 – Viewing Your Profile
Click USER+ on the menu and go to User Dashboard. On this page you can view an overview of your account, including your level on, your wallet balance as well as stats and payouts.
Step 3 – Add and View Linked Bitcoin Wallet Addresses
On your dashboard at the top of the page you can view your account menu. Navigate to Wallet Addresses. On this tab, you can link a new wallet address in whatever currency you prefer. Below that you can see your current Bitcoin Addresses.
You should be able to see the Bitcoin Wallet address you linked in Step 1 while registering. This is the address you will insert into the faucet while claiming your free BTC from our free bitcoin faucet site list.
Step 4 – Withdrawing Your Earned Bitcoin FaucetHub Funds
So by this step you would of spent the last few days claiming away at all of the faucets we have listed and earned a minimum of 0.0002 BTC. You can now withdraw your BTC to the wallet address you linked in Step 1: and inserted into the faucet site in Step 3:
Click the Withdraw tab on your User Dashboard menu. Then select the Bitcoin – Withdraw Balance.
On this tab you can view your current balance available to withdraw, below that you can complete your withdrawal request. Withdrawals are completed every sunday for free and can be expedited for a fee of 0.001BTC for a same day withdraw.
Next, Confirm your Bitcoin Address and the Amount you would like to submit a request to withdraw. When you are ready, click Submit Withdraw Request. Your funds will now be sent your Bitcoin Address in accordance with the withdrawal schedule. Well Done!
You can now view your request for withdrawal in your Withdraw History below.
Bitcoin Faucet List
Now you have a completed the FaucetHub registration, you are ready to start claiming from our list of faucets. If you would like more help, watch part 2 of our YouTube guide which covers claiming Bitcoin from the faucets on this list.
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