Bitcoin Basics

Published Sep 21st, 2015
Updated Sep 28th, 2020
Bitcoin Basics

In this directory of Bitcoin guides you will find everything you need to know about the cryptocurrency to become a Bitcoin professional. We look at how Bitcoin started life, the terminology used to explain Bitcoin, the people behind it, and how to how to buy, sell, and mine it. With all this information at your fingertips you will be a Bitcoin Believer in no time.

what is bitcoin

What is Bitcoin?

What is Bitcoin and how does it work?

Learn About Bitcoin

buying bitcoins

Buying Bitcoin

Where and how to buy some BTC!

How To Buy Bitcoin

bitcoin wallet

Bitcoin Wallets

How and where to store BTC

See Secure Bitcoin Wallets

bitcoin mining

Bitcoin Mining

Learn how and where coins come from.

Mining Bitcoin

spend bitcoins

Spend Bitcoin

We look at all the ways you can use BTC

Spend Bitcoin

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Who’s Who

The VIPs of the Bitcoin world.

Learn about Bitcoin figures

Bitcoin Quotes

Bitcoin Quotes

The best quotes about Bitcoin.

Read Bitcoin Quotes

bitcoin glossary

Bitcoin Glossary

Learn the crypto terms you need to know.

Learn Bitcoin Terminology

Bitcoin Event Calendar

List of all the BTC events.

See All Events

Bitcoin Embassies

Hubs promoting about all things Bitcoin.

Find an Embassy in your Region


Our guide to cryptocurrency.

Explore our Cryptocurrency guide

Bitcoin in Pop Culture

Bitcoin on TV, movies and more.

See Bitcoin in Pop Culture

As the world moves towards the future with biometric technology, smart phones that can pretty much do anything and of course digital currency- you do not want to be left in the past and become outdated. As you delve into this website and learn everything Bitcoin you will see why people are so passionate about this cryptocurrency.

Providing banking to third world countries, decentralized currency without government involvement, the brilliant Blockchain system and safe and secure transactions are just a few of the pros.

Follow the Bitcoin Basics Guide and go on an adventure from Bitcoin start to finish. How it was created, how you can get your hands on your very own to where to spend them when you do.

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